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* ENG  = available only in English          * CZ   = available only in Czech

The traditional name of the Pāḷi Canon, Tipiṭaka, refers to the initial Three “baskets” that preserved and contained the handwriting script of the rules for the monastic and lay Buddhist practitioners (the first basket), of the records of the Buddha’s teaching (the second basket) and of the teaching’s interpretation (the third basket). The text also preserved the Buddha‘s knowledge about how the human mind functions. Thus today we have an authentic body of knowledge reaching back more than two thousand years. Theravāda Buddhism evolved in Sri Lanka thanks to the mission initiated by the Indian Ashoka Emperor (268–232 B. C.) and from there it spread across all of southern Asia (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand). Nowadays there is also a significant number of western practitioners and followers that identify with this branch of Buddhism in the USA, Canada, Australia and Europe.



1. Vinayapiṭaka - Monastic Law: This first basket contains the list of rules for monks and nuns. 


2. Suttapiṭaka - Discourses: These are the primary texts, consisting of records of teachings or conversations by the Buddha or his disciples. It is composed of general discourses of the Buddha. They are arranged by literary style or subject matter.


3. Abhidhammapiṭaka - Abhidhamma: This last basket includes a number of texts that are systematic summaries and analyses of the teachings. It is a commentary on the philosophical aspect of the teaching.

  1. MONASTIC RULES  -Vinayapiṭaka   

2. BUDDHAS DISCOURSES – Suttapiṭaka  


  1. Dīgha nikāya / E-books   


- Dīgha nikāya / Long Discourses of the Buddha * ENG 

- DN 31 Rady Sigālovi ( Sigālovāda sutta ) * CZ 

  4. Aṅguttara nikāya / E-books   

- Aṅguttara nikāya / The Numerical Discourse of the       Buddha * ENG 

- AN 3.65. Rozprava ke Kālāmům ( Kālāma sutta ) * CZ 

      - Komentář k AN 3.65 Rozpravě ke Kālāmům * CZ 
- AN 3.70. Uposatha ( Muluposatha sutta ) * ENG 

  3. Saṃyutta nikāya / E-books   

- Samyutta nikāya / The Connected Discourses of the Buddha * ENG 

- SN 56 Roztočení kola Dhammy ( Dhammacakkappavattana sutta ) * CZ 

- SN 1.8 Rozprava o dobrotivosti ( Karanīya mettā sutta ) * CZ 

  5. Khuddaka nikāya / E-books   


- The Suttanipāta - An Ancient Collection of the Buddhas Discourses  * ENG

- Snp 312-315 Rozprava o klenotech ( Ratana sutta )  * CZ   

- Snp 318-319 Rozprava o požehnání ( Maṅgala sutta ) * CZ 


- Itivuttakapāḷī * ENG 

- KN Therīgatha * ENG 

- The Questions of King Milinda * ENG



- Treasury of Truth - Dhammapada  * ENG

- Dhp 1 Příběh thery Cakkhupāly ( Yamaka vagga ) * CZ 

- Dhp 5 Příběh o Kāliyakkhinī ( Yamaka vagga ) * CZ 
- Dhp 18 Sumana devī ( Yamaka vagga ) * CZ 

3. ABHIDHAMMA – Abhidhammapiṭaka  


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