This is a hard period for everyone, including bhikkhunīs. They have received little or no support over the past year because of the COVID restrictions. The project Suriya Lamai was able to provide some help to them as well as to the local communities, especially to women and children in need.
The senior nuns from Sakyadhita ārāma, in the outskirt of Colombo, were lucky enough to receive the official authorization from the police to deliver donations despite the lockdown restrictions.
That allowed them to deliver over 50 packages of dry food for underprivileged families in the neighborhood and to provide food donations to 21 bhikkhunī ārāmas.
This was only possible thanks to the generosity and the kind support of donors.

See more pictures at the following link:
Last but not least, THANK YOU to each and every one of you who made even the tiniest donation. We want you to know that you have made the difference, and without you this project would not exist. Thank you also to you who took the time to send a thought to people in Sri Lanka who are suffering and shared your merit with them.
May you all be happy.