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At the Dhamma School, children learn the basics of the Buddha's teaching by reading Buddha's life stories, playing games, through narratives, or coloring, and they also receive an initial instruction for meditation. The venerable bhikkhunī Visuddhi therī focuses on the education of ethics, etiquette, and the development of good qualities of mind such as compassion, generosity, love, tolerance, etc. The Dhamma school is attended by both small and older children. 

What can I donate?

  • crayons, coloring books and paper notebooks = 6 EUR

  • gifts for children (a small statue or a poster of the Buddha) = 12 EUR

  • a board game for the ārāma to develop good qualities of the kids = 28 EUR

  • Dhamma books for children = 60 EUR

In the years of 2015 - 2016 Karuṇā Sevena and Suriya Lamai helped pregnant women, mothers with small and abandoned children that were fleeing from the war zones of Syria.

Basic items, such as food, water, medicines, hygienic items and clothing, for the value of 2.335,- EUR, were donated and distributed to those women and children in need. All our work is possible only thanks to the help of Czech volunteers who offer their support directly on the field at the borders with Hungary, Serbia, and Croatia. Volunteers were helping parents and children to reunite after their fleeting, while providing them with basic medical care. The pregnant women and mothers in their last stages of pregnancy were the group at higher risk. In order to support them, we established a help line operating 24/7 dedicated not only to pregnant women in need, but also to anyone who was in a life threatening situation. Herewith, we thank everyone who helped in this project.

Who are we? We are a small nonprofit organization that came into being in response to the refugee crisis and the negative attitude of a major part of the Czech public to refugees, with the intention to find effective ways of making refugees' lives more tolerable and easy. All the parents in refugee camps face difficult changes in emotions and behavior of their children. Therefore, we would like to provide them with professional, yet simple information about what they can do to help treat trauma in their children (and themselves). 

We strongly believe that it is possible to help and so so we are tirelessly trying our best.

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Support of the Project Suriya Lamai

Full name of the account holder: Spolek Karuna Sevena 

Bank account: 6855679001/5500; IBAN: CZ4955000000006855679001; SWIFT: RZBCCZPP

Address of the recipient: Slezska 3; City: Prostejov, Zipcode: 79601; Country: Czech Republic  



The intention of the project Suriya Lamai “The Children of the Sun” is to enable children from underprivileged families to develop and educate themselves and to provide them with basic needs.


The donation is tax-deductible in the Czech Republic.

Please state the reason for the donation with the following note" For the Children of SL."

Neither of the above is a public collection, and therefore we ask all donors to add their contact information to their gift, so that we can issue a donation agreement contract or a donation receipt. We thank all the donors.

Links for donation:

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© 2021 Karuṇā Sevena | Web by Evoke 

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