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We commonly refer to Dhamma as the “teaching of the Buddha”. It is one of the so-called “three jewels” of Buddhism (Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha). Bur Dhamma is not merely the collection of the teaching, Dhamma is also, and more importantly, the true nature of things. Dhamma is the cycle of birth and death, it is the falling of a leaf, it is the wind blowing, it is the digestion process, etc. When we observe nature as it is, without any pre-known concept in our minds, we are in front of the Dhamma.


The Four Noble Truths are the most fundamental teaching of the Buddha. Deceptively simple, they actually provide a profound explanation of human unhappiness, both gross and subtle, and how to attain increasingly positive states of mind, from stress relief in daily life to unshakeable calm happiness and a selflessly compassionate heart.

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The noble eightfold path is one of the basic concepts of the Buddha's teachings. The Buddha himself spoke of this path as the "middle path" leading to true knowledge and awakening (nibbāna). The eightfold path is part of the fourth noble truth, which speaks of the path to the removal of the suffering (dukkha). It can be divided into three aspects: wisdom (paññā), morality (sīla) and concentration (samādhi). In Buddhist symbolism, the eightfold path is represented by the dhammacakka. read more >


A friend in Dhamma. Cultivation of noble relationships and friendship is an integral part of our spiritual practice. Kalyāṇa-mittatā is the Buddhist concept of "spiritual friendship"... read more >

Support of the venerable Bhikkhunī Visuddhi and activities of the Association Karuṇā Sevena:

Full name of the account holder: Spolek Karuna Sevena 

Bank account: 6855804001/5500; IBAN: CZ6755000000006855804001; SWIFT: RZBCCZPP 

Address of the recipient: Slezska 3; City: Prostejov, Zipcode: 79601; Country: Czech Republic  



The funds are used to cover the basic monastic needs of the venerable bhikkhunī Visuddhi


such as robe, food, medicine and abode

this also covers transportation, accommodation, air tickets, etc.) distribution of books, the furnishing of the ārāma Karuṇā Sevena,

insurance, utility bills, etc. Tax-deductible in the Czech Republic.


Please state the reason for the donation with the following note" For the Association Karuna Sevena."

Neither of the above is a public collection, and therefore we ask all donors to add their contact information to their gift, so that we can issue a donation agreement contract or a donation receipt. We thank all the donors.

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