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Bhikkhunī Visuddhi is a fully ordained Buddhist nun (bhikkhunī) in the theravāda tradition She is also a Dhamma and meditation teacher from the Czech Republic. Her first teacher, Venerable Rewatadhamma Sayado, a prominent Theravāda Buddhist monk and noted Abhidhamma scholar from Myanmar, inspired her to walk the path of Buddha’s teaching. In 2003, after practicing Dhamma for many years as a lay practitioner in the Buddhist monastery Dhammapala in Switzerland, venerable Bhikkhunī Visuddhi went to Sri Lanka and received ordination as a sāmaṇerī (novice). She lived a simple life of seclusion in Srī Gothami ārāma in Olabudowa, a small village. Together with other nuns and with her teacher bhikkhunī Matale Vijitha, during the years she spent there, she focused on teaching Dhamma, doing social work and helping families in need. Bhikkhunī Visuddhi gave special attention to poverty stricken children: She taught Sunday Dhamma school in Olabudowa and Sambodhi Vihāra in Colombo and founded Suriya Lamai project Children of the Sun.” Its aim is to enable children from Underprivileged families to be educated and to be provided with basic needs.

In 2006,  she studied and trained for 10 months in Fo Kuang Shan Temple, near Kaohsiung district in Taiwan, and was ordained as a Dharmaguptaka bhikkhunī at Tzu Yun Temple in Nanzi District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. In February 2007, Venerable returned to Sri Gothami ārāma in Sri Lanka and continued living with her former bhikkhunī community there. For over ten years, Venerable bhikkhunī Visuddhi also practiced first as a student, and later as an assistant teacher, under the guidance of Venerable bhante Pemasiri thera, one of the most respected and skilled traditional meditation teachers in Sri Lanka. 

In 2008, Venerable Visuddhi started regularly visiting monasteries in Europe, such as Aneñja Vihāra in Germany or Dhammapala in Switzerland. In 2012, she set up, along with her supporters, her own monastic dwelling, (bhikkhunī ārāma), named Karuṇā Sevena (Abode of Compassion) in Prostejov, Czech Republic. In 2015 Venerable completed Daḷhīkamma Vinaya procedure and acceptance in the Theravāda bhikkhu and bhikkhunī Saṅgha in Sri Lanka.

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Ordination of the venerable bhikkhunī Visuddhi
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In 2016, thanks to generous donations, the ārāma Karuṇā Sevena underwent a large reconstruction, that included building a new meditation hall. Meditators are now welcome to visit the dwelling (ārāma) and stay for retreat seclusion under the guidance of Venerable bhikkhunī Visuddhi, who constantly dedicates herself to cultivation of ethics and good qualities, along with meditation practice satipaṭṭhāna and mettā, without neglecting the study of Early Buddhist texts.

Her students are coming from different countries and backgrounds, from Czech Republic, Sri Lanka, Slovakia, Germany, Austria, UK, Switzerland, Poland, USA and Puerto Rico. She competently teaches adults and children, with a special focus on mothers, children and teenagers.

Her approach toward students is individual, patient, and compassionate. From the beginning of her relocation to Europe, Venerable Visuddhi has been running a Dhamma school in the Czech Republic for children of all ages. She is regularly being invited to speak about the Buddha's teaching and mettā meditation to students at schools and colleges in the Czech Republic.

The Buddha established an order of bhikkhus and bhikkhunīs (monks/nuns) in order to support the dhamma-vinaya practice and

to protect the teaching for future generations. Up to this day, Saṅgha passes the teaching on to generations of monks and nuns as well as lay followers. The fact, that venerable bhikkhunī Visuddhi resides and practices in the Czech Republic in the heart of Europe gives

us an extraordinary and rare opportunity to obtain a direct mediation of the Buddha’s teaching through a representative and a member of the Saṅgha. Following an order is an essential part of spiritual
practice not only for monks and nuns but also for us,

lay practitioners ... read more >


Support of the venerable Bhikkhunī Visuddhi and activities of the Association Karuṇā Sevena:

Full name of the account holder: Spolek Karuna Sevena 

Bank account: 6855804001/5500; IBAN: CZ6755000000006855804001; SWIFT: RZBCCZPP 

Address of the recipient: Slezska 3; City: Prostejov, Zipcode: 79601; Country: Czech Republic  



The funds are used to cover the basic monastic needs of the venerable bhikkhunī Visuddhi


such as robe, food, medicine and abode

this also covers transportation, accommodation, air tickets, etc.).

distribution of books,

the furnishing of the ārāma Karuṇā Sevena,

insurance, utility bills, etc.

Tax-deductible in the Czech Republic.


Please state the reason for the donation with the following note" For the Association Karuna Sevena."

Neither of the above is a public collection, and therefore we ask all donors to add their contact information to their gift, so that we can issue a donation agreement contract or a donation receipt. We thank all the donors.

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